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"One Heck of a Year"

The 2004 Tailgate Season is finally here,
And if it ends like it started, it’ll be “One Heck of a Year!”

This poem is a tribute to all the great times that we’ve shared,
And a small little “Thank You” to all that have cared!

Beano and Hadj started us out with a bang,
And now Evan Bean is the newest part of the gang!

And soon after that, the Laskowski’s moved to Penn State,
There were 5 residents in State College and boy was it Great!

But Murt was persistent and finally got a job that’s a dream,
Thank heavens it was Pittsburgh, not that Wolverine Team!

The Dixons and Metzgers will soon be adding more to the crowd,
Speaking for “your family”, not just the parents are proud!

With Murt off to the Steelers it was soon time for Nat,
She got herself a job in the Burg’ and that’s where they’re at!

And just when it seemed like I couldn’t relate,
I got my very own dream job and now I work at Penn State!

Next was our boy Jeffrey whose persistence got him close S.C.,
Moving his family closer to Becky, Kathy and me!

Greg and Alli went ahead and tied up the knot,
Many tailgaters were present, showing all the friends that they’ve got.

The 2004 memories are a long list to share,
All connected by families who continue to care!

This year will be one to write down in the books,
And not just because we’re getting better as cooks!

Gameday is coming and as usual I can’t seem to wait,
So meet us all on Saturday, for our PennStateTailgate!

Brent "Poet Laureate"

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