Go State!

August 12, 2003

by Jared Bean

Welcome to the first edition of “The Fan.” An almost weekly column on a variety of subjects about Penn State and Penn State football, presented from my standpoint; the standpoint from the Parking Lot, where all Penn State Football games start.

On The Field:

The 2003 season is a much anticipated one for Nittany Lion Fans. Of course, many people at the beginning of last year were off the PSU bandwagon, because of two bad seasons. That is until last year, when a team, not expected to do anything, ended up a few plays away from the National Championship. Even after a disappointing bowl loss, this year expectations are higher, the fans are back on track, and even JoePa seems optimistic that this team will impress. “Our quarterback situation is really good. I think we have a lot of good wideouts. We have a lot of good, young running backs. I am really pleased with some of the kids we have out there now.”

The talk of the fans and Joe has been the running backs. Losing a 2000 yd. rusher is not the end of the world (though some think it is), but there certainly are question marks. Backs like Tim Shaw, Mike Gasparato, and True Freshman Austin Scott are just SOME of the backs battling for carries. Joe says “We, obviously, have some talent there. There are some kids that I think can be good. I really do. For me to tell you that one guy stands out, I can’t.” Time will tell.

To my untrained eye, this team could be exciting. The fire, passion and pride, of playing for the Nittany Lions seems to be in the blood of these young men. In my mind they will not disappoint, and will give the fans something to cheer for.

From the Parking Lot:

Unfortunately, the year has not started off right for the fans. It seems the University has taken away more of the Gameday parking for “us regular folk” by moving the Physically Disabled parking away from the North endzone and into the IM Lot #9. While this sounds okay this lot has been home to many people for many years and it will be sad to see it go. Fans like me lined up at 5am to get the space they wanted in this lot and its no longer available. It seems as if our University is once again answering to the almighty dollar instead of the fans. If it were truly about the parking for the disabled fans wouldn't they be parked right next to the stadium? Penn State, like many other Universities seems to have lost touch with what made it. It's like Joe said about money and its role in the process, "I think that is a big problem. I think you are right (concerning money becoming a focus) and that bothers me, because I just can’t tell you how much fun it is to take a football team and redo it. You hate to have to be talking about all of this other nonsense. You would love to be just talking about football. I would love to just talk about my team." I know we need money to stay competitive, but the fans pay their dues all year, wouldn't it be nice if those who can't afford it still have a reward for their enthusiasm? If you are interested in emailing the athletic department to express your displeasure please do so to Herb Schmidt at whs1@psu.edu.

Have no fear, the PennStateTailgaters will go on. No matter what “The Man” does to us, our indomitable spirit will live on. We will plow forward and eat, drink, and be merry like we have for years and will continue to support our team. After all, what is the alternative?

Also, on a side note, at about this time of year last year an anonymous poem was circulating on the websites sharing the excitement of the season. I have attached a link for all to read it again. I don’t know who wrote it, but dammit it still gives me a chill. Click to enjoy the poem!

I will end with this. I look forward to the season like I do all other Penn State seasons. Our team should be competitive, we will spend more time with friends, and we will spend seven Saturday afternoons at the greatest place on earth: Beaver Stadium and the fields of Centre County that surround it.

Until next time…GO STATE!

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The Fan offers these great PSU links to put you in the mood for the season:

Penn State Poem (2002)

Gladiator Video

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